10 Years of the Book Page Print
Can you believe that this year marks 10 years since I sold my first framed book page prints online?! When I look back to the photographs I used I cringe, but I'm proud that I got started, made sales, and grew from there. But it was a little while before I discovered the virtues of natural light!
You might remember that my brand was called 'wall envy art' back then. Bookishly came along in 2013. But even back in the wall envy art days the brand was still clear. Books and bookishness all the way!
Our photos have improved a bit since!
Our first trade show was in 2012 but even before then there were a few shops stocking the book page prints. Pulse London in 2012 was the first show and I can remember it being SO exciting to talk to big retailers and take actual orders from shops all over the country.

We've ended up with them being stocked in places like Selfridges, The Natural History Museum and the Imperial War Museum. Our most regular orders have come from a loyal base of little gift shops and book shops and we massively appreciate each one! The little independents are by far our favourite people to work with.
Visiting the prints in Selfridges on Oxford Street.
This whole adventure started as just me fulfilling orders for a single product in my parent’s spare bedroom has grown into a team of eleven and fulfilling orders for hundreds of products (for both or retail and trade customers). 😮