Behind The Range - Book Page Prints

Our book page prints are not only an integral part of our product range but of our brand too - our favourite quotes printed onto a page from a vintage copy of the book itself. In fact, our book page prints are where it all began. Bookishly started over nine years ago with an antique dictionary and my grandfather’s set of watercolours. I would sit and hand letter quotes onto the old pages before framing them up in our signature block frames and selling them on Etsy.

As demand for the prints continued to grow, so did the range of quotes. The success of our book page prints allowed us to expand not only our product range but our team too. In fact, they’re still very much how people identify us.

From the all time favourites…


To the weird and the wonderful…


There’s a quote for everyone. To see the whole range, you can do so right here. Any questions? Send us an email and we'll be more than happy to help. 

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