The Best of Bookish for World Book Day 2020

The Best of Bookish for World Book Day 2020

World Book Day will be celebrated across the globe on 5th March 2020. 📖 You can join in the fun by taking a look at our ‘For the Love of Books’ collection, which brings together all of our products that feature words celebrating books and the love of reading. Whilst obviously there is a bookish theme to our entire range, these are the pieces that are specifically about books. Perfect for bookshops, libraries and any shop wanting to celebrate bookishness and share the joy of books! We’ve featured a few of our favourites below…

'May Your Shelves Always Overflow With Books' Framed Book Page Print

'A Room Without Books is Like a Body Without a Soul' Framed Book Page Print

'Home is Where There's a Stack of Books by the Bed' Framed Book Page Print

'Just One More Chapter' Bookish Mug

'A Book a Day Keeps Reality Away' Bookish Mug

'Between the Pages of a Book is a Lovely Place to be' Bookish Mug

'Read Big, Little One' Scandi Rainbow Print

'I Read Past My Bedtime' Scandi Rainbow Print

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